for BRCA 1/2 carriers

Questions to consider:


  1. How do my feelings about PGD relate to that of my religious community?
  2. Do I feel supported by my community in my decision/is it important for my community to support my choice?


  1. How should I involve family members in this decision?
  2. Do I feel supported by family in this decision?
  3. Whose viewpoints are important for me to consider?
  4. What will I do if close family members disagree with each other, or with my views about pursuing, or not pursuing, PGD?


  1. Have I considered what I will do with unused embryos?
  2. Have I considered whether I would use PND for confirmation testing?
  3. Do I wish to review ethical frameworks that have been used to consider the moral status of the embryo?

Quality health care:

  1. Do I have a list of questions for my genetic counselor, PGD clinician?
  2. Do I feel knowledgeable enough about the procedure that I could explain it to someone else?
  3. Is the PGD clinic I have chosen accredited and have they conducted PGD for BRCA1/2mutations?